Amy Grabenkort Coaching



I’m Amy.

With the wisdom of decades of successful leadership and entrepreneurship experience I champion women in leadership to lead wisely, on purpose, with confidence and clarity.

Leadership Coach.

Vibrancy Coach.

Trusted ally.

The most impactful version of YOU is waiting for us. 



I’m Amy.

This is not a test drive. We get ONE life.

I help women reconnect to their fire within, get excited and clear about where they're going, and have a little more fun.

Life Coaching.

Business Coaching.

Trusted ally.

We just get one life. Let's make it vibrant.

Scroll down. Let's go.

Let's hang out



1:1 Leadership Coaching


Working 1:1 with me is an accelerator into the future you're dreaming about as a leader. We'll work on a set schedule over 6 months to get you beyond your goals with simple, impactful strategies and actions. Completely confidential, it's safe to step into vulnerability and take yourself to your most wise, clear, confident place as a leader in both business and in life.  Warmth and boundless love coupled with strategy and results.

I'll be in your back pocket to tackle the day to day complexities of leadership while simultaneously charging your leadership battery with proven strategies and new perspectives that you'll value. 

If you keep the same people around you, you'll get the same results. 

Leading On Purpose is where we're going.

Let's talk


Join The Vibrancy Blueprint


My signature group life coaching program empowers you to clear the clutter, get clarity on what sets your soul on fire, make (any) changes you desire, and leverages the alchemy of a group of women who are all excited to get to the desired future.

Magic happens here. It's fun, too.

Ready to reset your perspective and start stubbing your toe jumping out bed you're so excited to WIN YOUR DAY?  We start taking small steps in the right direction even before our first group call! If that sounds like what you need...

Apply now to get on the waitlist for the Spring launch.


Apply Here


 Self Defense for Limiting Beliefs


Break free from the cycle of dreaming and then doubting (as soon limiting beliefs creep in) with this signature mini course. Learn what limiting beliefs are, WHY they are, HOW they feel, and my proven tool for overcoming them.

Immediate benefits include upgrading to a more positive, optimistic outlook and increased confidence.


Start now

Move with Me 

I teach group fitness classes that simply leave you feeling better than you did when you got there. It's like moving life coaching and it's my soul in action. It's approachable. Fun.

 Find my class at Gold's Gym Camas when I'm not with a client. Look for me as a regular on the class schedule soon! 

look for my class here

"Working with Amy changed my whole life, really, not just my leadership. I applied to work one on one with Amy because I wanted to scale my business and be the kind of boss everyone wants to have, but instead spent my days playing catch up on the million things that constantly have to get done and I felt like I was failing everyone, even my family at home, to some extent, and like I was in a washing machine, getting beat up every day by the demands of work and without time for me. I felt like I didn't even have time to be coached.

Amy helped me see my whole self as one woman. One woman who is a business owner and a mother and a wife and a leader. I now see leadership as something that encompasses every area of my life and must be done purposefully. The perspective and real life strategies she gave (and keeps giving!) me have made me see that work and leadership are two totally different things. I apply the strategies to my family, my team, and to myself as the leader of my life. She's taught me to be the CEO of my own life and she's helped me lead the whole thing with a clear purpose. Sometimes I feel quite stressed out and anxious and like I've spent the whole day reacting, then I remember about purposeful leadership, use the strategies, and I'm back on track THAT DAY! I highly recommend Amy. I just love her, I would tell her anything, and I could cry thinking about how much smarter I am as a leader. I feel like I'm the boss everyone wants to have (or at least most people!) and the boss I want to be. 



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You'll get occasional emails from me that will be a little bright light in your inbox. Get to know me better, get to know you better, and get the inside scoop on courses, sales, and my group program signup opportunities.